ARMED police used a taser gun to subdue a car-jacking suspect after a couple were terrorised at knifepoint in West Howe yesterday.

The man was chased by police into a private garden where a taser was deployed and he was restrained and arrested following the incident at Turbary Retail Park.

It was a real-life drama for resident Clive Claydon who was sitting watching Deal or No Deal on TV when he looked up to see officers chasing a man through his garden.

“I just looked out and saw a guy lying in the garden being tasered, and about eight police jumping over the fence after him,” said Mr Claydon, a 63-year-old plasterer.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was a real shock and not the kind of thing you see round here very often. I have been here 20 years and have never seen anything like it.”

After restraining the suspect, the police led him out through Mr Claydon’s home as his side gate is fixed shut.

“I thought it must have been pretty serious given the number of police there.

“They had guns and everything,” he added.

“I’m just glad they chased him all the way to the garden because otherwise he would have had to escape through my house.

“I’m still a bit shocked but it was a bit of excitement on a Tuesday afternoon.”

The manhunt in the Verney Close and Moorside Road area began after a man allegedly tried to drag a couple out of their car at knifepoint at Wickes in the nearby Turbary Retail Park, at around 4.15pm.

Armed police and dog units tracked a suspect to the area. He was being questioned by police as the Daily Echo went to press last night.

A Dorset Police spokesperson said: “The male had attempted to drag a couple out of their car before making off towards Turbary Park Road.

“Officers conducted an extensive search and located a man hiding in the rear garden of an address. During the arrest, officers were required to deploy a taser.”

She said a male was now in custody and the couple were “shaken but not injured”.