THERE are still places available in one of the south coast’s premier running festivals.

More than 2,000 people are expected to take part in Poole Festival of Running, which takes place in Poole Park on June 2.

Organisers say it is not too late to ‘be part of this extraordinary event’ which includes a 10k race, a 5k and a number of minithons for eight to 14-year-olds.

Money raised goes towards Poole Hospital Charity, which funds equipment and care across the hospital. Since the charity’s 2004 launch more than £1million has been raised.

Poole Festival of Running is now in its 32nd year. The event began as an amalgamation of the Poole Marathon and Poole Minithons.

Race chairman Steve Crockford said: “It is testimony to the early concept, the commitment and enthusiasm of the members of Poole Runners and not least the support of Poole council and Poole Sports Council, that the Poole 10km has survived and grown into the format it now enjoys. Long may it run.”

Thousands of spectators pack out Poole Park to support friends and family members taking part. There is also a fete and other attractions on offer on the day.

The children’s minithon races start from 10am and school children are encouraged to enter. The Poole school with the most entries wins a £300 sports equipment voucher.

The Dorset Cancer Centre 5km starts at 11.30am. Then, at 2pm, more than 1,000 runners will take the start for the main 10km race.
