AN elderly man has died of head injuries following a tragedy at one of Bournemouth's highest blocks of flats.

A police investigation is ongoing after the man, in his 70s, is believed to have plunged to his death from The Albany on Bournemouth's East Cliff yesterday.

A post-mortem is likely to take place this morning. Police have given no indication of the direction their investigation is taking, just that it is ongoing.

The luxury block of flats was sealed off following the incident, which came to light just after 11am .

Police and ambulance services attended and a white scenes of crime tent set up near the entrance to underground garages at the Manor Road flats.

Part of the building was cordoned off and residents were guided away from the area under investigation, situated underneath balconies.

Detectives and uniformed officers were called to the scene, as was a coroner's officer. At one point there were three police vans and two police cars at the scene.

The huge, cream building is one of Bournemouth's most recognisable blocks and is 18 storeys high with 137 apartments, many with spectacular sea views.

It has a large entrance lobby where porters help the mainly elderly residents to and from taxis or their vehicles with their shopping.

The head porter, who did not wish to be named, told the Daily Echo: “We have been told not to say anything. The managing agents of the flats have been informed but they do not wish to comment either.”

Three ambulances were called to Manor Road. A South West Ambulance Service spokesman said the elderly man had died from head injuries and had not been conveyed to hospital.

Residents said they had not been given any details of the incident. The district coroner has been informed and an inquest will be held at a later date.