MARK ALAN KNAPTON aged 45 of Buckthorn Close, Creekmoor, Poole. Admitted driving a Vauxhall Astra on Creekmoor Lane with 75 microgrames of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £300. To pay victim surcharge of £30. Costs £85. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 42 months. Also admitted driving without a licence. No separate penalty. Also admitted driving without insurance. No separate penalty.

ADRIAN JOHN KETCHLEY aged 30 of St Osmonds Road, Poole. Proved in absence that he kept a Ford Focus on Ferry Road which was unlicensed. Fined £700. To pay vehicle excise back duty of £146.67. Costs £90.

STEPHEN MATTHEWS of Roman Road, Poole. Proved in absence that he was the keeper of a motor vehicle and failed to deliver that part of the registration document relating to the transfer of the vehicle to a person who was not a vehicle trader. Fined £200. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs £90.

MICHAEL MURRAY aged 19 of Herbert Avenue, Poole. Proved in absence that he was the registered keeper of a motor vehicle and failed to deliver to the Secretary of State that part of the registration document containing the required particulars relating to the notification of transfer of the vehicle to a person who was not a vehicle trader. Fined £35. To pay victim surcharge of £20. Costs £90.

PETER RICKARD of Kelly Close, Canford Heath, Poole. Proved in absence that he was the keeper of a vehicle and failed to deliver that part of the registration document relating to the notification of transfer of the vehicle to a person who was not a vehicle trader. Fined £200. To pay victim surcharge of £20. Costs £90.

JAMES MICHAEL WALKER aged 23 of Lake Road, Poole. Proved in absence that he was the keeper of a vehicle and failed to deliver that part of the registration document relating to the notification of transfer of the vehicle to a person who was not a vehicle trader. Fined £35.

To pay victim surcharge of £20. Costs £90.

LEEROY BRITTON aged 43 of Arne Avenue, Poole. Admitted failing without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of a community order made by Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court. No adjudication – dealt with for original offence. Also sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made in March 2013 – stealing a carving knife set to the value of £85 belonging to John Lewis at Home, Redlands, Poole. Conditional discharge of 12 months. Also sentenced for another offence in respect of which a community order was made in March 2013 – failing without reasonable excuse to surrender to custody at Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court, having been released on bail in criminal proceedings. Conditional discharge of 12 months.

KIM CAROLINE NEECH aged 55 of Dorchester Road, Poole. Non-payment of fine of £250. Further time to pay ordered. Non-payment of fine of £235. Further time to pay ordered. Non-payment of fine of £2,541.49. To be detained in the courthouse – detention deemed served by time already spent in custody. Non-payment of fine of £715. Enforcement suspended for three weeks as defendant said appeal lodged.