THE muslim preacher who was accused of radicalising Weymouth Muslim extremist Richard Dart today claimed to know one of the alleged attackers in the Woolwich murder.

Dart was jailed for six years after admitting engaging in conduct in preparation of acts of terrorism.

Dart, who changed his name to Salahuddin al-Britani, became involved in extremism after moving from his home town Weymouth to east London where he met radical preacher Anjem Choudary.

Mr Choudary, former leader of banned Islamic group Al Muhajiroun, said he knew one of the alleged Woolwich attackers but had not seen him for about two years.

He claimed to recognise the man who was filmed wielding a bloodied meat cleaver while saying: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you.”

Mr Choudary said he was not aware of the alleged killer's nationality following reports that both men were British citizens with Nigerian connections who had converted to a radical form of Islam.

“We must concentrate on why this incident took place,'' Mr Choudary said.

“That is the presence of British forces in Muslim countries and the atrocities they've committed, and how the Muslim community in this country are under pressure due to draconian laws which have tried to silence them.”

He said Adeboloajo used to attend meetings of the controversial organisation.

Mr Choudary said: “I knew him as Mujahid. He attended our meetings and my lectures… He was a pleasant, quiet guy.”