IN a bid to attract more boating visitors, the cost of Poole Harbour fees has been drastically reduced.

Poole Harbour Commissioners has cut the cost of short term dues for this year from a daily charge of 95p per metre to 50p per metre and weekly from £3.85 a metre to £2 a metre.

The move came after suggestions from Poole Harbour marinas and yacht clubs.

Chief executive Jim Stewart said: “Following suggestions on how to attract new visitors, we felt it was important to review the cost of short term harbour dues. Harbour dues in Poole were already cheaper than most comparable harbours on the south coast. We hope this initiative will encourage even more visitors to the harbour.”

He added: “PHC work very hard to ensure a high level of customer service and we are always willing to listen to any suggestions that will help increase tourism in Poole.

“Poole is an ideal tourist location and with the enhanced quay facilities set out in the PHC master plan, we will provide greater opportunities for visitors in the years to come.”

The commissioners operate the 120-berth Poole Quay Boat Haven and in June 2011 opened the Port of Poole Marina, which can accommodate approximately 75 large yachts and motorboats plus ribs and jet skis.

As part of their master plan, they are proposing an expanded £20million marina on Poole Quay for 650 yachts, fishermen’s berths, 125 visitors berths with a visitor attraction and space for historic boats and events.