AN INSPIRING teenager from Bournemouth has been appointed as a ‘disability ambassador’ to support other young disabled people on leaving school.

Chandos Green, 17, and the founder of a local community group for young disabled people, will work with local grassroots disability organisations to advise people on their options when moving from school to work or further education.

He and the UK’s other five ambassadors recently met Esther McVey, the minister for disabled people. She said: “It’s been inspiring to meet with Chandos who has already navigated the challenging time young people face when leaving school.

“With his experience and enthusiasm, as well as his local knowledge, he is well placed to provide the right advice and support to other young disabled people. Chandos is part of a network of young ambassadors which will help to ensure young disabled people have their voices heard in their local communities.”

Chandos was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of three and has since raised awareness and money for Southampton General Hospital. He also set up a charity to help young people affected by cancer and disability.

He said: “For the last five years I have dedicated my life to supporting those in my local community by running support groups for students from across Bournemouth. I recently went to Ethiopia for 10 days to teach kids English and maths.

“The people over there are so enthusiastic, they have so little, yet they are so happy and this is something I’ve brought back with me to the UK.”