DORSET Local Enterprise Partnership is supporting the creation of affordable family housing in Boscombe.

In some of the first practical evidence of the organisation’s work, the LEP is awarding £1.5million to Bournemouth Borough Council to develop 11 affordable family homes with gardens and a shared allotment area with an orchard.

As part of the Backing Boscombe campaign, the development also includes an accessible bungalow suitable for a family, and all homes are being built to high level sustainability code, making them affordable to buy and run. Also on the site will be a centre for creative workshops and development space for creative industries. David Ramsden, Dorset LEP Board member, and lead on the Growing Places Fund, said: “This is an innovative and much-needed project in Boscombe, which will deliver real benefits for local people.

“We have undertaken detailed evaluation of this scheme, and are confident that the investment is a strong and deserving one that will bring about lasting benefits.”

Cllr John Beesley, leader of Bournemouth Borough Council, said: “The development of family housing and a community facility will do a great deal to regenerate Boscombe.

“The development will give first time buyers the chance to own their own home at an affordable price and will offer additional facilities to benefit the whole community.”