A MAJOR milestone in a new school development was reached when a local resident performed its topping out ceremony.

The celebration at St Aldhelm’s Academy in Herbert Avenue, Poole, marked the completion of the external structure of the new £9.8million building.

Sylvia Chappell, who attended Kemp Welch School when it was on the same site, was invited to don safety gear to fit the last fixing to the domed light on the highest point of the roof. “I’m abso-lutely thrilled, excited and hon-oured,” she said.

“I left here in 1951 when it was Kemp Welch. It was a great school to come to. I didn’t think I would be coming back at the age of 71 to be topping out the new building.”

Academy principal Cheryl Heron said: “It’s an exciting day. We’re doing this now because it’s almost St Aldhelm’s Day and thought it would be fitting.

“We’re planning to do an official opening a year today. The academy is a brand new school. It has nothing to do with the pre-decessor schools but happens to be on the same site.”

The event was attended by members of the comm-unity, acad-emy staff, year 8 pupils and two churchmen, the Rev Peter Homden and the Rev David Price.

Kier Construction regional managing director Phil Durigan said: “Kier is delighted to be celebrating this significant milestone in this exciting project for the Rossmore community.

“The new St Aldhelm’s Academy will provide the facilities and environment required to deliver a 21st century education to local young people, both now and for future generations to come.”

Developers are on course to finish the new building by September and are due to remain on site until next February to complete the contract.

This also involves refurbishing existing buildings.