THE Swanage School is celebrating a double milestone after the Government’s new School’s Minister officially sanctioned its funding and clearance work started on campus.

Schools Minister Lord Nash signed the 114-page Funding Agreement, which officially allows a free school or academy to open with Department for Education cash.

It is signed when Whitehall officials are satisfied all arrangements for education, building accommodation and financial management are in place.

The Swanage School chair of governors Paul Angel, on left, said: “After three years of planning it is great news to have our funding agreement in place and also to see work begin on the site.”

Work to clear the hedgerow at Swanage Middle School, where the new secondary will eventually be sited after at least one term at Harrow House, has also started.

This works produced wood chippings, some of which went to local education centre Leeson House. The rest went to a bio-fuel plant to generate green energy.

Mr Angel said: “Our head teacher Tristram Hobson has made a wonderful start with students and parents.

“Our new deputy Jenny Maraspin joins us after Easter and has already made a big contribution and we are now shortlisting candidates from the hundreds of applications we have received from teachers eager to be part of the school.”

In a letter to Mr Angel, Schools Minister Lord Nash, pictured on the right, said The Swanage School will bring new opportunities for children in Purbeck.

He added: “I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the great commitment and energy that you and your colleagues have shown in reaching this point.”

The new two-storey secondary school, set for the corner of High Street and Washpond Lane, will boast two wings protruding from a central hall.