BUS driver Mike Caldicott has pulled out of the depot for the very last time – after 35 years behind the wheel.

The 69-year-old joined Wilts & Dorset bus depot in Ringwood in 1978 after two years’ driving experience with operator Midland Red. Mike, who lives in Bourne-mouth, says he will miss the camaraderie of his 36 fellow drivers and many of the regular passengers who have become friends over the years. On his last school run, the much-loved driver received a very special thank you from the head teacher of St Peter’s School.

Mike said: “It was a complete surprise to me.

“I was given a special farewell card designed and signed by the pupils as well as individual gifts from the pupils. I felt quite emotional but very honoured that they did that.”

Andrew Wickham, man-aging director of Wilts & Dorset, said: “Mike is a great character and everyone at the depot will miss him, we all wish him a long and happy retirement.”