POOLE’s shopping centre is launching a campaign on Wednesday encouraging people to leave the car at home.

Don’t Drive Wednesdays is the brainchild of Dolphin shopping centre manager John Grinnell, inset, as part of a range of green initiatives to help lower the carbon footprint.

Pointing out the centre was ideally placed with the bus station adjoining and the railway station close by, John said: “I felt it would really be good to convince people to use public transport or walk or their bikes rather than using cars.

“Everyone is talking about congestion and how much impact it has on the towns,” said John who will be leading from the front by taking the bus from his Blandford home for his 45-minute journey to Poole.

Midweek was chosen as a day when people might consider taking part.

More bus is supporting the campaign by offering a special ticket downloadable by mobile app. The centre has installed more bike racks and there will be a range of incentives on Wednesday from free bike checks to 100 free Subway subs.

“This is being supported by a lot of the retailers and I really hope people will take part,” said John.