CHRISTCHURCH is set to honour all those involved in the Battle of the Atlantic.

A commemorative service will take place at the Priory on Sunday, May 26, 10.45am, for all those who served in the campaign.

The standard of Christchurch Royal Naval Association will be carried along with other standards into the service.

All association members and veterans of the Royal Navy, Merchant Nacy and other services are welcome.

The Battle for the Atlantic ran throughout the war, as the Allies blockaded Germany and the Germans launched a counter-blockade in an attempt to stop the flow of merchant shipping that was keeping Britain equipped.

The campaign was at its height from 1940-43 and reached its decisive stage in May 1943, when the Allies sank large numbers of U-boats to dominate the Atlantic.

The Allies were victorious but lost 3,500 merchant ships and 175 warships.