THERE were fishy goings on to celebrate the centenary of an historic open space in Bournemouth.

The Friends of Fishermans Walk organised a free fishy themed day which attracted several hundred people on Sunday to the area.

“It’s been fantastic,” said vice-chairman and Southbourne councillor Chris Mayne. “The weather has helped.”

Music at the bandstand was a major feature of the day which ranged from Bournemouth University Big Band to community drumming to end the day with a bang.

Sinatra tribute act Anthony Adams proved popular and activities ranged from pond dipping to a display of old motorcycles and veteran cars, to the chance to make a fish on a stick and tour the craft stalls.

“It was a free event but we did ask for donations in the bucket to the Friends. We are a non profit making organisation and we have other events planned for the year,” said Cllr Mayne.