A THRIVING school has marked its 150th anniversary by unveiling a beautiful stained glass window designed by one of their pupils.

Young students at St Mark’s School in Talbot Village, Bournemouth held a special dedication ceremony for the window.

The tree design was the work of Year Six pupil Harvey Molesworth and adapted by artist Sheila Christos.

It was unveiled by Christopher Lees, a trustee of the Talbot Village Trust, and blessed by Rev Rupert Higgins.

Children also joined in a special prayer giving thanks for the generosity of Georgina and Marianne Talbot, who gave land to impoverished residents and helped build the Talbot Village community.

Headteacher Caroline Burn said: “Today was a wonderful celebration of 150 years of St Mark’s School and the stained glass window is a lovely way to commemorate such a special occasion.

“We have had a busy year, marking our 150th birthday in lots of different ways, and this was the final event to round it all off.”

Other events have included a special show for the parents, planting 150 daffodil bulbs and pupils and staff dressing up as Victorians for a special school photograph.