ALEX ERNEST BARTON aged 21 of no fixed abode. Admitted theft of three Playstation games worth £70 from Asda at Castlepoint. Committed to prison for two weeks suspended for 18 months. Ordered to participate in Thinking Skills programme for 19 days and carry out unpaid work for 80 hours within the next 12 months. Also admitted using threatening words or behaviour at Christchurch civic offices. No separate penalty. To pay compensation of £25. Also admitted vagrancy, being found in a house in Harewood Avenue minding stolen property. Committed to prison for four weeks concurrent with above, suspended for 18 months. Also admitted burgling a home in Elmgate Drive with intent to steal. Committed to prison for eight weeks suspended for 18 months. Also admitted burgling a home in Walsingham Dene with intent to steal. Committed to prison for eight weeks consecutive to the above, suspended for 18 months. Also admitted handling stolen goods, namely a Samsung camera and a Kindle. Committed to prison for four weeks concurrent to above, suspended for 18 months. Also admitted commission of a further offence while subject to a conditional discharge. No adjudication – dealt with for original offence. Also sentenced for an offence in respect of which a conditional discharge was given in October 2012: stealing two packets of Pringles from Tuckton Tea Rooms. Committed to prison for four weeks concurrent with above, suspended for 18 months. Also admitted receiving stolen goods, a Blaackberry Pearl phone. Committed to prison for four weeks concurrent with above, suspended for 18 months.

MICHAEL DEAN SAMPSON aged 22 of Gordon Way, Christchurch. Admitted failing to stop after a road accident on the Christchurch bypass where damage was caused to another vehicle. Fined £75. To pay compensation of £350. To pay victim surcharge of £20. Disqualified from holding a driving licence for 84 days. Also admitted driving without due care and attention. No separate penalty. Also admitted driving without third party insurance. No separate penalty.