A SPECIALIST new MRI scanner unveiled at a Boscombe surgery on Saturday is the first of its kind in a GP practice in the UK.

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner will provide highly detailed images of patients' extremities, including wrists, elbows, knees and feet, allowing more precise diagnosis than X-rays.

Doctors hope the £250,000 machine at the Providence Surgery, in Walpole Road, will ensure patients get quicker access to treatment for injuries, including trauma and sporting injuries, or for chronic conditions.

Chris Hughes, operations manager at the surgery, which entirely funded the scanner, said: “This is a unique concept, but a service we wanted to provide for the Boscombe.

“The idea was to reduce waiting times for patients referred for MRI scans by perhaps their GP or a physiotherapist, and also it is less intimidating than a full body scan.

“There aren't any funds available for this sort of thing, but it has been a vision of ours for a couple of years now.

“There is excellent health care around here already, and this will support that and ensure patients get quicker access to treatment.”

As Dr Mufeed Ni'Man, the practice GP, is club doctor for AFC Bournemouth, injured Cherries players are also likely to receive a diagnosis using the machine, which came from Stuttgart in Germany.

Ward councillor Jane Kelly welcomed the news.

“It is fantastic to get such a brilliant facility in Boscombe, and fits in with our on-going regeneration efforts,” she said.

“A lot of people in the area find it difficult to get to the hospital as they have transport or financial issues, so this will be a great help.

“We are very grateful to Chris Hughes and Dr Ni'Man for providing this service.”