THERE were a few tears at first when they thought they'd be eating gruel but then these modern-day children cheered up and started to enjoy the workhouse experience.

The seven- and eight-year-olds from Christchurch Infant School were at the nearby Red House Museum for a morning learning what life would be like for them if they were poor and lived in Victorian times.

Then it was off to the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum in Bournemouth for an insight into the lifestyle of wealthy Victorians.

Paula Hardcastle, year three co-ordinator at the school, said: "There were a few tears at first because the workhouse is very realistic, and because they saw the gruel.

"But they settled down very quickly. It's great for them to see history come to life. They've been learning about the Victorians all this term."

"The fancy dress clothes are very warm but very itchy. I don't like them," a little boy added.