IT IS one of the most poignant days of the year.

Thousands will gather in Bournemouth tomorrow to remember those who have given their lives in conflicts around the world.

So it’s fitting that one of those to lay a wreath at the war memorial bears the same name as Remembrance Day’s floral emblem.

Poppy Pinner, who is this year’s Mayor’s Guide, will take on the responsibility as part of her duties.

The Bournemouth School for Girls student is a member of the 12th Bournemouth Guides, who meet every Friday evening at Moordown St John’s Primary School.

She said: “It’s such a coincidence that my name is Poppy and I’m going to lay a wreath this year.

“It’s an important thing to do, particularly this year, which is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War One.”

But it’s not the first time the 14-year-old has taken part in Remembrance Sunday.

“Every year at school people come by the classrooms to say that poppies are on sale in reception,” she said.

“And everyone in my class says, ‘We’ve got our Poppy already’.”

A parade of veterans, forces’ organisations and cadets will march from Exeter Crescent through the Square to the war memorial in the Central Gardens this Sunday.

Following a two-minute silence at 11am, there will be a 40 minute service, after which Poppy and others will lay wreaths.

The schoolgirl, who has been a member of either the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides since she was six years old, said: “Next week my class at school is in charge of the assembly.

“We’re going to be doing something about remembrance. It’s such an important time of the year.”