A MAYOR who was asked to resign and hand back her chains of office has not done so.

A statement issued by Ferndown Town Council now suggests mayor Liz Stevens may not return to her post before her term of office ends in May.

The town council's Paul Falconbridge said: "We have received no letter of resignation from her."

The town council's civic reception today was being hosted by her deputy, Cllr Roberta Lovett.

On Tuesday the town council issued a statement which read: "Until the local elections in May, Ferndown Town Council will be operating under the guidance of deputy town mayor Cllr Mrs Roberta Lovett.

"All members... are absolutely confident they can build upon past years' successes in the town and move forward in a well planned and unified manner for the benefit of the whole community."

It is encouraging prospective councillors to attend a new councillors' evening on March 13 at 7pm in the King George V Pavilion.

There are currently vacancies after two councillors resigned.

As the Daily Echo has previously reported, Mrs Stevens made allegations that other councillors had "bullied" her.

Ferndown Town Council members then sent Mrs Stevens a letter by recorded delivery asking her to stand down from the post and hand back her chains of office.

She was signed off work in mid February, suffering from stress, and continues to be ill.

Mrs Stevens is taking legal advice on being asked to step down.

She had to cancel her mayoral ball, set up for Saturday, which would have raised money for Ferndown Upper School.

Mrs Stevens issued no comment on the latest statement before the Echo went to print.