FORTY people representing a variety of groups and with a wide range of skills met up in North Dorset to see if they can help young people who find themselves on the streets with nowhere to go.

Campaigners want to set up Nightstop Dorset, a project to help young people aged 16 to 25.

They want to create a pool of people willing to provide a roof over the head of a young person for a few nights, or even just one night, in an emergency.

They would also offer support to young people who find they have nowhere, and possibly no income, by offering them help with claiming benefits, mediation and general support.

Similar schemes already exist in other parts of the country.

Participants met in Durweston village hall on Wednesday.

The Bishop of Sherborne, the Right Rev Tim Thornton, told the Daily Echo: "It's encouraging to see voluntary and statutory bodies coming together motivated to talk about the possibility of providing emergency housing for young people across Dorset.

"I hope as a result of this meeting there might be enough energy and commitment to form a Nightstop. Financially we are talking about whether there is enough commitment, energy and interest to take the idea forward."

The assembled guests heard it would cost a significant amount of money to get the Nightstop off the ground in Dorset and to support the scheme.

Steering group member Sara Jacson said: "I was pleased with the number who turned up.

"The steering group will now meet after Easter."

She said they would draw up the criteria for a board of directors and would match volunteers who had skills such as organising how they would gain charitable status with tasks that needed to be done.

Further money and help is always needed.

  • If you would like to get involved email