A LUCKY woman from Bournemouth is the proud owner of a new car worth £20,000 after winning it in a motor show prize draw.

Emily Simon drove off in a new Renault Megane from Westover Renault in Poole after her ticket was pulled out of the hat in a free prize draw run jointly by Westover Group and AutoTrader at Westover’s Motor Showcase at the BIC last month.

She collected her new metallic Ruby Red Renault from the showroom in Wallisdown Road, where it was presented to her by Westover Group joint MD, Paul Dillon, and AutoTrader’s Richard McColl.

The competition was open to anyone who attended Westover Group’s Motor Showcase.

Mum-of-two Emily said: “It was a really wonderful feeling driving away in the stunning Megane.

“I have truly fallen in love with it. It is so lovely to drive and I still can’t believe it’s mine!

“I’ve never won anything before, but I had a sixth sense when I pre-registered for the Motor Showcase. When I was filling in my details online I had a weird feeling that I was in with a chance this time and that it was definitely worth entering. I’ve never had a new car before and I think it’s going to take a while to sink in.

“We went to the Motor Showcase as a family and stayed much longer than expected because the boys were really enjoying it. They loved the Mobil F1 simulator and the opportunity to sit in loads of new cars in such a relaxed environment. It was a real novelty for all of us as we’ve not been to anything like it before. The Westover teams were all very relaxed with the children and it made for a great atmosphere.”

Paul added: “We’re so pleased that the car was won by someone local and we hope that Emily enjoys owning it.

“It’s a perfect family car – plenty of room for everyone, including all the school bags and the shopping, and great for longer journeys too, yet still small enough for easy about-town driving. We wish Emily and her husband many congratulations on their fantastic win.”

Westover Group’s second Motor Showcase was held at the BIC on Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, and attracted nearly 4,500 people.