The former Bournemouth Tourist Information Centre is set to be transformed into a pizza restaurant.

A notice of proposed development for The Stable restaurant has been placed outside the old centre on Westover Road.

The licensed activities listed, submitted by Arc Design Build Ltd, include the supply of alcohol from 10am-11.30pm; late night refreshments from 11pm-11.30pm; and opening hours from 7am-12am, Monday to Sunday.

But issues have been raised with the restaurant's location and how it could be targeted by burglars, the police architectural liaison has claimed.

John Green, crime prevention and design advisor, has said within submitted comments: "Any licensed premise is likely to attract unwelcome attention from criminals, and being on the main road through the town on the edge of the gardens and night time economy zone, this will be a prime target.

"I do highlight the rear of the premises facing the gardens as a potential area of interest to a criminal.

"Rear fire escapes are a common target for commercial burglars, and this site has three facing doors of this nature. The front door and rear door onto the patio also include a high proportion of glazing, and I would recommend from the outset that good quality designed security products are installed."

It is intended that the former red brick building and attached public toilets, be renovated into a whitewashed building with a large glass annexe at each end of the property.

"It also features large windows and doors leading onto outdoor seating areas. It is not yet known how many diners the proposed restaurant would aim to cater for.

The Stable, which specialises in pizza, pies and cider, also has outlets nearby in Poole, Southampton and Winchester.