AN alcoholic who killed a 15-year-old girl in a drunken crash has been jailed for four years and four months.

Alexander McBride, of Hordle in the New Forest, sobbed throughout the sentencing hearing at Bournemouth Crown Court yesterday.

The 34-year-old had consumed three cans of Stella Artois lager and five double brandies with coke when, on February 16 this year, he choose to drive from Shorefield caravan park to his home with Rebecca Marchant - the daughter of a friend - in the front passenger seat and his own 10-year-old daughter and eight-year-old niece in the back.

The court heard McBride, of Sky End Lane, lost control of the white Mercedes E350 Sport which collided with a tree in Hordle Lane at around 8.40pm, causing Rebecca, from Leatherhead in Surrey, fatal injuries.

The father-of-five fled the scene on foot, leaving his daughter and niece who suffered only minor injuries. He returned home to change his clothes and was later spotted by police making what Judge Peter Crabtree OBE dubbed a "half-hearted" attempt to hide in a neighbour's driveway.

McBride, the court heard, admitted what he had done at interview and later entered a guilty plea to one count of causing death by driving without due care and attention while over the prescribed limit.

He was more than double the drink drive limit and also had cannabis in his system.

Sentencing, Judge Crabtree said it was "a quite awful case where a young life full of promise was needlessly brought to an end".

He accepted the defendant had shown remorse for his actions.

McBride, an alcoholic with previous convictions for drink driving in 2002, driving while disqualified in 2003 and dangerous driving in 2004, was also banned from the road for five years and two months.

After the sentencing Rebecca's family said: "On Tuesday, February 16, Rebecca, our loved daughter, sister, granddaughter and good friend to all was killed by Alexander McBride.

"The sentencing today will never be enough to compensate for the decision he took that night to drink and drive, we can never forgive him for leaving her after the accident.

"His actions have left our family and friends devastated.

"We would like to thank the police who have been so thorough and shown us and Rebecca respect and compassion throughout this terrible time."

PC Dave Mitchell, of Hampshire Police, said: "This is a tragic case where a young life has been taken following the selfish actions of McBride.

"McBride has chosen to drink and drive - he has acted without regard for those around him.

"He has ignored the drink-drive message which is repeated by police so often.

"This has cost Rebecca Marchant her life.

"I only hope that the sentence today might reinforce the drink drive message, so that others might not act so recklessly.

"The sentence in no way atones for the loss of Rebecca.

"McBride thought himself okay to drive, he was not. The message is simple, do not drink and drive.

"If you do drink and drive, stop. If you know of a person drinking and driving, report it."