A ROGUE builder from Poole has been ordered to pay more than £12,000 in fines and costs for poor workmanship and falsely using prestigious trade logos on his website.

Oscar Henson, of Creative Stone Driveways, pleaded guilty to six charges under the Consumer Protection regulations at Mold Crown Court in Wales last week.

He was fined £2,000 for using the Guild of Master Craftsmen logo when he was not entitled to, and a further £2,000 for falsely using a logo of long-established building supplier Marshalls.

Henson was fined a total of £4,000 in relation to poor workmanship and ordered to pay £4,000 in compensation to his victim. Henson must also pay £4,609 prosecution costs.

Emlyn Jones, public protection manager for Denbighshire, where the case was held, said consumers should always expect such builders to be competent and have adequate training.

"Henson and his company did not meet any of these expectations,” he said. "Creative Stone Driveways gave the impression that they were reputable by being a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen and using products from an established company, Marshalls. Both claims were proved to be false and Henson was rightly convicted.”