MAY I enquire through your columns if anyone has any information on ghost sightings or experiences in recent years at Clouds Hill, the former home of Lawrence of Arabia, close to where he suffered his fatal motorbike accident in 1935?

This enquiry is prompted by a new report received from a visitor of seeing an apparition at Clouds Hill on the morning of Sunday, 31st July 2016.

Details are being passed on to a number of paranormal research bodies, including the Society for Psychical Research.

In 2008, as chairman of The Ghost Club, I contributed to the National Trust book 'Ghosts: Spooky Stories and Eerie Encounters from the National Trust' by Sian Evans which carries an entry on Lawrence's cottage and Clouds Hill.

However, the stories of Lawrence haunting the vicinity dated mostly from the late 1930s, with the last detailed report of any phenomena being from 1973.

Accordingly, it would be most interesting to learn if any readers have information concerning other more recent occurrences.

Interestingly, the latest witness (who is not originally from the UK) had never heard of T.E. Lawrence before visiting Clouds Hill, and certainly knew nothing of any reputed ghost.

ALAN MURDIE Chairman, the Ghost Club