WITH regard to the Bournemouth travellers site discussion, I would like to add a comment or two.

Obviously Martyn Underhill, as a representative of the police, has a good working knowledge of the situation on the ground and how legislation is applied.

He is correct that the police cannot use all the powers that would be available to them if the local authority in Bournemouth were to make the proper provision for the Gypsy Traveller community.

Every council has a responsibility to every section of society – it’s not pick and mix.

I, myself, have had to resort to camping roadside in the area and I have friends around Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset that occasionally I visit socially or on business.

In my opinion, if local councillors were to spend more time looking at their role in the situation, take some responsibility, and stop pointing the finger at others then the situation could be resolved to the benefit of all.


Gypsy Council, Thames Valley

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