DORSET is famed for the stunning Jurassic coastline– but these breathtaking images capture it in all its amazing glory.

Photographer Paul Reiffer took these photos on the highest resolution camera in the world, made by manufacturer Phase One.

The project is called '100 million pixels, 100 billion stars'.

A full camera kit costs between £30,000 to £50,000. But some might argue scenery like this is absolutely priceless.

Paul said: "Capturing the night sky: It’s been a challenge for medium format digital cameras for as long as I’ve been using them.

"While their dynamic range and insane resolution can capture levels of detail that is unsurpassed by any other system out there; low-light, high-ISO performance has at times been their Achilles heel and having been fortunate enough to travel and capture the night sky for many years on my DSLR equipment, I’ve been waiting for the moment when I could go that extra step beyond."

Paul has spent a lot of time testing the kit recently, including a month in New Zealand. But this is the first time Phase One has produced a 100 megapixel camera that can see stars with better quality than DSLR equivalents.