FUMING motorists faced gridlock in and around Westbourne yesterday after a four-car collision closed the Wessex Way for TWO hours.

It was bumper-to-bumper along Poole Road with drivers reporting 50 minutes to complete a two-mile journey.

Driver Peter Eddleston told the Daily Echo: “This is the problem with Westbourne - one little shunt on the Wessex Way and it all goes to hell.

“At least it was cleared up quicker than they have done in the past.”

Another motorist, who asked not to be named, said: “It was really heavy traffic, and when you consider no-one was really injured in the accident, you’re left kind of wondering why such a mountain has been made out of a molehill.

“I cannot understand why it takes this long to get a fender bender shifted and everything moving again. It must be costing the local economy thousands.”

The four-car collision happened on the Wessex Way, approaching the County Gates roundabout towards Poole, at 10.50am. The road was finally reopened two hours later.

Dorset Police, who confirmed no-one was injured in the accident, said paramedics did attend as a precaution.

Yellow Buses reported delays of up to 85 minutes on its 1C service and 80 minutes on its 1B service.

A Dorset Police spokesman explained: “The road was closed and the local authority contacted because there were fluids on the highway. We had to wait for the local authority to complete the clean-up.”

Meanwhile, a Bournemouth Borough Council spokesman said: “Bournemouth Borough Council were notified of the incident this morning and in response, a street cleansing team was sent to clear the damage.”

In March, last year, Wessex Way was closed for six hours following a head-on collision which resulted in three people being taken to hospital.

No-one was seriously injured in that incident, but the road couldn’t be reopened because of a problem with the detergent needed to clear spilled oil.