THE crumbling supports of this bridge over the River Stour are not a safety concern, according to Dorset County Council.

While one support column on the northern side of the New Road bridge - which connects Kinson with Parley - appears well maintained, the other is falling away.

However, Roger Beaven, highways engineer at Dorset County Council, said: “We inspected Ensbury Bridge in May and found the structure of the bridge to be in good condition.

“All highway bridges are inspected every two years. The steel piles supporting the bridge were tested for their integrity in 2010. No problems were encountered.

“The piles are sturdy and continue well into the ground. There is some natural erosion to the concrete collar around the piles but this does not affect the safety of the structure.”

The county council is responsible for maintaining the bridge, although it is jointly owned with Bournemouth council.