A CHARITY aimed at supporting victims of abuse hopes to develop their garden in a bid to provide a space of 'comfort and tranquillity'.

Staff at Victim Support, based in Gloucester Road, Bournemouth, have started digging up their greenery to make way for something special which they hope to create in the coming weeks.

Volunteers grabbed their spades and began taking back brambles, though it is not yet clear what the garden will become.

Service delivery assistant, Stephanie Bell, said the charity may even approach Bournemouth-based businesses for donations as they design their new space.

They are looking for tables and chairs and even pots of paint from whoever is willing to help.

"It's anything that can make victims feel welcomed and supported in whatever way they need," she said.

"Until they are helped we don't know which is the best way to help them because their experience is different. The impact is different for each individual. It's about finding how we can help that person best. We want the garden, and the new meeting room, to be comfortable places for those we support."

The charity offers emotional and practical support to people affected by crime, having helped more than 5,000 victims across Dorset in the last year.

Volunteers are able to speak to victims or guide them in the best direction of appropriate services - whether or not they have reported the incident to police.

For more information or to donate to their cause visit victimsupport.org.uk.