AS SOME readers will be aware, many solicitors are offering free will-writing as part of Will Week 2016 from September 12.

Fernheath Play, a local charity (Registered No. 1148263) in West Howe, has given disadvantaged children a safe place to play at minimal cost since it was started by local parents in 1976.

Since 2003 we have also been welcoming children with a range of disabilities and special needs.

In 2015, after core funding from the local authority ceased, we had to suspend our service temporarily, but we recently re-opened thanks to generous donations from benefactors, for which we are very grateful.

We have no paid fundraisers, so all monies donated go directly to benefit children. However, we desperately need help to keep this playground and playcentre open for all the families who need it.

Could your readers help us by:

Making a donation or standing order to support the next child (£30 a year allows one child to access all sessions for free).

Providing equipment or services to improve facilities.

Donate to our virginmoney giving page at and search for Fernheath Play.

Nominate us as your charity of the year at your work.

Take a donation box or fundraise for us.

Or perhaps they could leave us a legacy in their will?

Visit our website at or visit us at Facebook - or telephone 01202 581008


Chair of Trustees, Coleman Road, West Howe

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