CONDOR Ferries says an ongoing review of its services is not linked to a damning customer survey.

The survey, which was carried out by the Guernsey Condor Consumer Group, revealed that more than 1,000 passengers said they were either somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the service.

Passengers from the Channel Islands, who completed the survey, also revealed that Weymouth was the destination of choice for those using Condor.

Just 13 per cent of those questioned selected Poole as their preferred destination.

Condor Ferries left Weymouth in March last year, with services now carried out by the new, larger Liberation vessel from Poole.

The new ferry has encountered numerous problems since it was launched and was detained for three days earlier this year after a routine inspection revealed a number of deficiencies.

Only last week it was forced to run on reduced power due to an engine fault.

A spokesperson for Condor says the review of their services is not linked to the customer survey.

However, they will 'take on board the views expressed in the survey'. 

Condor Ferries CEO Paul Luxon said: “We always welcome feedback and will take on board the views expressed about our historic service levels in this survey.

“We regularly meet with the Guernsey Consumer Group and this will no doubt form part of the agenda for our next meeting.

“Our future service provision is currently being looked at as part of our Comprehensive Service Review.

“This is being carried out by Condor Ferries in partnership with the States of Jersey and States of Guernsey and looks at the alignment of our service with the islands’ strategic future needs.”