A BOURNEMOUTH entrepreneur who charges parents £2,000 to potty train their children is appearing on a Channel 4 documentary tonight.

Too Posh To Parent is a look behind the scenes of wealthy families and the people hired to provide bespoke parental services - from vegan catering for toddlers to etiquette training and Lego therapists.

One such service is provided by Westbourne mum Amanda Jenner - who is recognised as one of the Uk’s potty training experts gaining her the nickname ‘potty lady’.

For a princely £2000 Amanda, 42, promises she’ll have your toddler toilet-trained in three days.

And while many question how many parents would actually spend that amount of money getting someone to potty train their own child - it’s clear from Amanda’s year-long waiting list that the answer is a lot.

According to Amanda, who is also known for award winning invention My Carry Potty, she had 162 messages from parents asking for help on Saturday alone.

“Potty training is one of the biggest milestones in a child’s life but it’s very difficult and very stressful,” said Amanda, who lives in Westbourne.

“I think that if you have got the money then why not pay for some expert help.

“Don’t get me wrong some of these people are just really glamorous and don’t want to have to change a nappy - but many of them are business owners and entrepreneurs and are very busy.”

The Channel 4 film crew spent three weeks filming with Amanda and the parents who have paid her thousands to potty train their children in Sandbanks, London and Kent.

They also filmed the launch of her brand new Potty Training Academy.

However Amanda is keen to point out that she doesn’t just cater to the super rich. She also works with schools and nurseries as well as providing a much cheaper ‘Potty Training Pack’ for parents at just £21.99.

“My aim is to try and make sure nurseries and parents are using the same techniques to potty train children otherwise it’s confusing for the child and it just makes the process more difficult,” she added.

“It’s shocking that so many children are going to school in pull-ups.”

The show airs at 10pm tonight.