THE last month of summer in Bournemouth was the driest and warmest for three years.

But generally the season was "duller than average" with the second lowest amount of sunshine in 28 years.

While August broke no records, Charles Thomas, Bournemouth Meteorological Registrar, said it was in marked contrast to the previous two Augusts.

In his monthly analysis, Mr Thomas said a small depression along the English Channel led to prolonged rain at the start of the month, although dry, warm and occasionally hot weather followed, which was similar to July.

Over the Air Festival, there was unsettled weather due to "an unseasonably deep Atlantic depression" crossing Britain.

August 24 was the hottest day of the month since 2003.

"It was both our driest and warmest August for three years and the sunniest one since that of 2005 despite the first two days being sunless", Mr Thomas added.

The highest temperature recorded was on August 24, with 29.1C, while the coolest was 9C on August 9.

The total rainfall for the month was below average with 40.5 mm, compared to an average 49.7 mm.

In total, there were 252.6 hours of sunshine in August, compared to an average of 226.9 hours.

He added: The summer was appreciably duller than average, the sunshine of August being insufficient to offset the large deficit of June and early July.

"Only one summer - 2012 - gave less sunshine in the past 28 years."