ANOTHER school has signed up to take part in the inaugural Daily Echo Independent Schools Show.

St Martin’s School, a highly-regarded small school in Stokewood Road in Bournemouth, will join 11 others at the event, to be held at Upton House in Poole on October 8.

And there is still plenty of time for others to get involved if they wish to do so.

Sponsored by Baggette and Company Wealth Management, the event will see the area’s top independent schools come together under one roof to showcase the range of excellent private education across the area.

Other schools booked to attend so far are Forres Sandle Manor, Ryde School, Clayesmore Prep, Clayesmore Senior, Durlston Court, Talbot Heath, Buckholme Towers, Ballard School, Milton Abbey, Moyles Court and Bournemouth Collegiate.

The schools cover a wide area, from north Dorset to the New Forest and even the Isle of Wight but all are accessible from Dorset.

They also represent all age groups, offering high-quality education from nursery and pre-prep to GCSEs and A levels at sixth form level.

Vicky Baggette, Managing Director of Baggette and Company, said, “Our link to the Daily Echo Independent Schools Show is a natural one given that school fees planning is often very high on our clients’ agenda.

“To educate your child privately from the age of five to eighteen can be in the region of £250,000.

“We are best placed to advise on the bigger picture, looking holistically at your life, business affairs and family, to find ways of investing and paying for private education.

“We look at attractive investments, tax efficiencies, advance school fees payments, or can inform you about options to use a lump sum from your pension fund, a draw down mortgage, or even gifting from grandparents.”

Entry to the show is free of charge so put the date in your diary and come along to take a look.

Representatives from any other independent schools who would like to get involved in the show should get n touch with Angela Boyer at the Daily Echo in Bournemouth on 01202 411221 for more information.