WORDS are insufficient to describe the ongoing unacceptable thuggery and antisocial behaviour to the Lower Gardens which are the towns horticultural heritage and pride.

In my capacity as Chairman of Bournemouth in Bloom it is my privilege to show the judges around the Borough for the South of England Britain in Bloom Competition entry. A highlight of the tour is always the Lower Gardens which are manicured and cared for by our hard working Parks Team. The damage and antisocial behaviour which has happened the past year must be addressed and the perpetrators brought to justice.

Surely if this area is known to have ongoing problems then there must be closer monitoring by CCTV surveillance and the police.

We are not just talking about damage to plants and other antisocial behaviour but are talking about a despicable attack on Bournemouth's Green Horticultural Heritage which is respected both locally and nationally.


Durley Gardens, Bournemouth