A NEW bid to install phone booths in Bournemouth town centre has been submitted.

Back in August the council's planning officers rejected an application by Euro Payphone Ltd to install booths in several town centre roads, citing "inappropriate and cluttered siting".

Phone booths do not require formal planning permission, but the council must approve the proposed design and location.

Now Infocus Public Networks Ltd wants to install five booths in Old Christchurch Road, one outside Debenhams in the Square, three in Commercial Road and one in Holdenhurst Road, for a total of ten.

Despite a decline in public call box use, as identified in Ofcom’s 2010 review of the universal service obligation, the booths are still used by people without a phone or those away from home who cannot use their mobile.

The kiosks would be solar powered and large enough for wheelchair users.

"As far as possible the proposal kiosk is positioned away from other items of street furniture to avoid an excess of equipment that would present a cluttered appearance," the company says in its application.

"Unlike other open payphone kiosks the size of the canopy provides practical protection from the elements.

"The payphone unit has been designed specifically to be fully accessible to those with impaired mobility who rely upon a wheelchair or scooter and for whom the traditional enclosed phone kiosk is out of bounds.

"We consider in selecting this particular location we have taken into account our aspirations for selecting sensitively any such sites for the location of street furniture and where possible the avoidance of excessive clutter."

In their report on Euro Payphones' application council officers said the principle of "lightweight, modern" kiosks was acceptable, but the chosen locations in Holdenhurst Road, Old Christchurch Road and Commercial Road would "add clutter to the present uncluttered street scene".

Old style kiosks based upon the designs of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott have ceased to be installed throughout the UK as they don't comply with current disability regulations, as per guidance issued by Ofcom.