A FRUSTRATED shop owner posted pictures of alleged shoplifters in the front window after claiming police failed to investigate.

Images taken from CCTV cameras at Sweet Thoughts in Westover Road have been blown up to A4 size and stuck in the window.

The word THIEF is printed above each image in large capital letters and the posters are clearly visible to passers-by.

A member of staff said the owner decided to take action after police failed to investigate, despite being offered CCTV images.

Several members of the public have also given the names of the alleged offenders to staff.

But other shop owners have been warned against following suit and told the owner's actions are against the law.

Bournemouth Business Reducing Crime (BBRC) manager Kevin Strudwick said he understands the frustration but added: "You cannot vent your anger by doing things which are also illegal.

"It is possible to display images of suspected shoplifters in staff quarters so they can look out for them but they should never be displayed to the public."

Mr Strudwick said he believes shoplifting in Bournemouth town centre is increasing due to a reduced police presence.

"I'm not blaming the police but it doesn't take the criminals long to realise that the police presence in the town has gone down.

"You never see officers on the beat and the shoplifters know they can get away with it."

Last week police revealed details of an attack on a security guard who tried to detain an alleged shoplifter outside Debenhams in Bournemouth Square.

Latest figures reveal that 30 offences of shoplifting were reported to Dorset Police in June.

Chief Inspector Bryan Duffy, of Bournemouth police, said: “We recognise the impact shoplifting offences have on the members of our business community, especially the smaller businesses, and their frustration if they are repeatedly targeted.

"We work with the BID and the local authority around a response to tackle shoplifting as well as anti-social behaviour and other aspects in order to ensure Bournemouth is a safe place to live, work and visit.

"We have a number of different initiatives currently in place for reported shoplifting and encourage people to report it even if there may not be the opportunities to detect or prosecute.

“The figures show that overall incidents are reducing but I understand that this will be little consolation if you feel you are being targeted.”

The force said the use of CCTV images "must be within the approved guidelines" of the Information Commissioner.

Sweet Thoughts, an old-fashioned sweet shop, has survived despite the closure of many nearby outlets.

It is more than two years since the Westover Road Odeon and ABC cinema sites closed and traders are struggling due to the reduction in footfall.

Planning applications to turn the former cinemas into homes and shops have been refused by Bournemouth council.