THE new main entrance to Poole Hospital is starting to take shape after sections of the building were installed this week.

The development is due for completion in the spring. On Tuesday and Wednesday the building ‘modules’ were craned into place on the construction site.

Staff, patients and visitors will now start to see what the exterior of the finished development will look like.

When completed the new building will replace the current main entrance, as well as entrances seven and eight. Entrance 10 will be renamed the ‘north entrance’ and the new building will be known as the ‘main entrance (south)’.

The hospital says it is likely the north entrance will have less footfall after the new opening as all outpatients will be directed through the new main entrance.

Deputy chief operating officer and the project’s operational lead Jacqueline Coles said: “I’m very happy with the progress that is being made. It’s been great to see the modules that will make up the facility arrive on site this week, and I’m excited that the building is now taking shape.

“It’s going to be a fantastic development for the hospital and I’m really looking forward to seeing it open.”

The hospital blocks, which are currently lettered, will become coloured zones in order to simplify signage and enable hospital users to navigate the site more easily.

The new entrance building, which is being built at no cost to the trust, will contain a modernised reception area and an open-plan ‘patient experience hub’ for initial patient queries. It will also contain a Costa Coffee, WHSmith, and a Stock Shop clothing store, as well as a suite of public toilets.

A first floor link will be established to connect the main hospital building with the Dorset Cancer Centre and the Philip Arnold Unit. This will improve patient “dignity and safety”, according to the hospital.