DETECTIVES have lambasted a knifepoint robber from Bournemouth who threatened two teens and pulled a man in his 60s to the ground in an effort to snatch his £20 note.

Ashley Brown, 23, of no fixed address, has been jailed for four years and three months after pleading guilty to a string of robberies.

Appearing before Swindon Crown Court, he had already admitted one count of robbery, two attempted robberies and possession of a knife.

DC Aaron Rowe, of Wiltshire Police, said: “Brown’s actions were no doubt frightening for the victims in both incidents who were simply going about their lives in their home towns and should never have been made to feel scared whilst doing so.

“Brown carried a knife with the intention of making others feel frightened – fortunately, nobody was seriously injured. I am thankful to the victims in both incidents who have supported police by providing statements and enabling us to put this offender before the courts. I am satisfied that he will now serve a custodial sentence as a result of his actions.”

On February 8, a man in his 60s was using the ATM outside Sainsbury's in Calne, Wiltshire, when Brown, of Bournemouth, grabbed him from behind and pulled him to the ground. He snatched a £20 note and ran off.

Two weeks later, a pair of 17-year-old boys were threatened at knifepoint by Brown in the car park behind the Co-op. He ordered them to hand over their money and phones, although he went off empty handed.