Los Campesinos!, Southampton Joiners

IT'S a school night, it's not half-term and it's not seven-litres-for-the-price-of-one on cider at the nearest corner shop (I checked).

So why are scores of 16-year-olds dementedly throwing themselves around the Joiners to a band playing violins and glockenspiels, and knocking out Pavement covers?

Surely the kids' are happy being brainwashed with their RazorKooks and KaiserPhonics?

Apparently not - if the geek really shall inherit the Earth, Los Campesinos! appear to be leading the charge.

The Cardiff seven-piece lollop on stage in Southampton looking every inch the band least likely to provoke riotous chaos.

Yet three songs in and the scenester-baiting You Throw Parties, We Throw Knives does just that.

It could be the fact Los Campesinos! (the peasants' in Spanish, by the way) produce shimmering head-rush anthems, the aural equivalent of E numbers. At their best, they evoke the symphonic splendour of the Flaming Lips, infused with the Go! Team's relentless joy.

Watch out - the tweecore takeover could be coming.