PLANS have been unveiled to make Bournemouth Town Hall the single core hub for BCP Council – with a full refurbishment at a net cost of between £20million and £29million.

If approved, the move would allow the local authority to sell the civic office buildings in Poole and Christchurch for around £7.2million to £9.3million, based on initial estimates.

A report will be presented to BCP Council’s cabinet on Wednesday following analysis to consider and endorse a single civic centre for the conurbation.

The approach, if supported by council leaders, would see the Bournemouth Town Hall complex, including the Annexe in St Stephen’s Road, fully revamped to serve as the base for the unitary authority.

Smaller community offices, or “spokes”, would be maintained across the three towns to provide space for drop-ins and specific meetings with residents.

The majority of council staff would be allocated to the central Bournemouth hub.

BCP Council leader Cllr Vikki Slade said: “In November last year, the cabinet endorsed the option of a single civic centre and requested that a review of our current buildings and office space was carried out.

“From the results of this review, we now know that all of our three main corporate sites in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole are currently running at an occupancy rate of less than 50 per cent. This isn’t sustainable moving forward. We also know that all our corporate buildings require modernisation and updating, so that they are accessible, modern and energy efficient.

“We have a real opportunity to ensure that we have a sustainable estate moving forward. I’m clear that any future provision must complement our ambitious transformation agenda, our commitment to be carbon-neutral by 2030, whilst also serving our residents better. Adopting one single civic centre, while maintaining local community hubs for our residents, seems the best fit in achieving our goals.”

Other options for the single civic centre, which are discussed in the report, included buying and developing Holland House in Lansdowne for upwards of £65million or building a new civic base at a new location, such as Wessex Fields, Hurn or Lansdowne, at a net cost of between £46million and £67million.

Revamping Bournemouth Town Hall was considered the best option to take forward, based on various criteria, including value for money, locational factors and sustainability.

If the recommendations are approved, cabinet will receive an updated report in June 2020, which will set out the delivery plan and funding arrangements to deliver the project.

As reported, Poole Civic Centre, is now officially a Grade II listed building, giving it enhanced protection against any future redevelopment plans, while the creation of a marina involving the Christchurch Civic Office site was discussed privately between councillors and developers several years ago.