Jeremy Hardy, Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne

He's an incisive and uncompromising political comedian, and he loves the grumpy middle-aged man character that he's cultivating. But in the end Jeremy Hardy is a little bit too angry for me.

Hardy's two-hour stand-up show in Wimborne (he knew it was Wimborne because he wrote it down on a piece of paper that he stared at in lonely silence in his dressing room, he told us) is rambling and very funny when he hits the spot. Sadly, for me, the second half turned into a philosophical/motivational rant about living life to the full. I didn't like it.

Jeremy Hardy is very funny when he has targets - the Met and Sir Ian Blair; Thatcher with a lovely image of Tony Blair speaking after her death calling her "The People's Pinochet"; Dorset, for stealing Bournemouth from his beloved Hampshire and turning it into a giant Blue Vinny factory.

He's great too when talking about Jesus and Johnny Cash.

After telling us how he hates the way Gordon Ramsay swears, Jeremy Hardy then uses his hated F-word almost non-stop.

But his paranoia joke encore was worth the wait.