PARENTS dropped their children off at schools for the last time “until further notice” on Friday.

Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday that schools would close as the government looked to delay the spread of coronavirus.

There are now over 3,000 confirmed cases in the UK, with over 100 deaths.

The government moved into the delay phase and, “guided by the science”, decided to close schools.

Simon Atkins, 52, was dropping his year one and year two children off at Winton First School on Friday morning.

Mr Atkins said: “It’s crazy times. We’ll be doing some home schooling but it’s really uncertain.

“They (the children) are aware of the situation but have had a tough time lately.”

Mr Atkins said that his children lost their granddad in January and a few weeks ago lost the family dog.

The coronavirus outbreak added to the confusing times for them.

“They’ll stay in touch with their friends and school has sent out a curriculum.”

A mum, who was dropping off her year five son, said the school had been really good at helping the pupils understand the situation.

She said: “He’s quite an intelligent boy. The school has been really good. They’ve sent work home online for them.

“I don’t really know what we can do. The isolating will be boring, but it has to be done.

“I have a son in secondary school, and I have no idea what he’ll do.”

A spokesperson for the school said it has been and will continue to follow government advice as the situation develops.

Tanya Thomas expressed her plans for home schooling on the Daily Echo coronavirus community group.

She said: “I have turned my dining room into the ‘learning den’, made a reward jar so they can earn a treat at the end of week. Quite a daunting and sad time but trying to make it a bit of fun to do learning at home. Not sure how one computer and three users is going to work though! We can only try out best for our kids!”

A spokesperson for the school said it has been and will continue to follow government advice as the situation develops.