DORSET Police are now warning residents across the region that it is "more important than ever" to follow the lockdown rules.

Deputy Chief Constable David Lewis and Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill have issued a message to its communities.

Officers plan to continue patrolling the streets and roads to ensure people are only making essentials journeys.

It comes after the government announced a lockdown extension of three more weeks on Thursday 16.

This means people should only leave home to buy food or essentials, to care for the vulnerable, essential travel to and from work and for one form of daily exercise each day.

DCC David Lewis said: “By staying at home we are all doing our bit to stop the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives.

“It is more important than ever that we continue to follow restrictions.

"I understand that people are feeling worried, anxious and frustrated, but these measures won’t be for long and we need to dig deep and remember why we are being asked to follow the restrictions.

“Tragically more than 13,000 people have died in the UK from this virus – we owe it to everyone else to do the right thing and stop more families losing loved ones to this terrible disease.

“I would like to reassure you that our officers and staff are briefed to take a common-sense and supportive approach.

"They will be continuing to carry out daily patrols within communities and on the county’s roads to ensure people are only making essential journeys and are not travelling into Dorset unnecessarily.

"I am really pleased to see that most of the hundreds of people we are speaking to each day have a valid reason for travelling or being outside.

“I’d like to thank the people of Dorset for the efforts they have made over the last three weeks to stay at home.

"Empty beaches, beauty spots, parks and high streets across the county demonstrate that the vast majority of people are complying with rules."

PCC Martyn Underhill said: "The extension makes the restrictions we are all abiding by no easier to bear and I would like to thank the people of Dorset for the fortitude and resilience they have shown in dealing with the restrictions that have been placed on our lives.

“We all know people who are suffering and grieving at this time, so I would ask you all to keep those you know and love in mind, as we begin the next three weeks of lockdown and not to lose focus just when it is needed the most.

“I don’t underestimate how difficult life has been over the past three weeks, but we are all making a difference and we must work together.

"If we do - we will get through it.”