A SURVIVOR of the New Zealand mosque terror massacre who is originally from Poole told the man responsible he held a dead young boy in his arms praying he was alive.

Brenton Tarrant killed 51 people last year at the Linwood and al-Noor mosques in Christchurch.

Addressing Tarrant at the High Court in Christchurch, Nathan Smith, who was worshipping at the al-Noor mosque on March 15, 2019, when the lone gunman struck, said: "After you left mosque al-Noor I was surrounded by the injured, the dying and the dead.

"I held a three-year-old boy in my arms, praying that he was still alive – he was not. You took him away."

Mr Smith, who converted to Islam after moving to New Zealand 14 years ago, added: "You killed in my name. I am white, Muslim and proud. All you have done is caused great shame for Europeans all around the world."

As Mr Smith suggested to Tarrant that "if you get a free minute, which you will have plenty of, maybe you should try to read the Quran", the defendant smiled. Mr Smith responded: "Funny, hey? Very funny."

Tarrant, who has admitted murdering 51 people, will be sentenced on Thursday after he faces up to 60 relatives of the dead and survivors.

He has also admitted 40 charges of attempted murder and a charge of committing a terrorist act. The 29-year-old Australian could become the first person in New Zealand to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole, meaning he would die in jail. The hearing continues.