THE Christchurch Independents Group has firmly dismissed a coalition offer from BCP Council's new Conservative leader.

Following his success in seizing control of the unitary authority last week, Tory group leader Cllr Drew Mellor attempted to secure the group's support to strengthen his administration.

This reportedly included potential cabinet spots if the Christchurch Independents (CIs) were willing to give certain commitments

However, the offer has been firmly rejected by the CIs, who currently occupy six of the 74 filled BCP Council seats. Only the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have more elected members.

A statement issued by the CIs said: "The Christchurch Independents Group was first and foremost set up in 2018 to fight for and protect the residents and businesses in our borough.

"The results of the elections last year in which the CIs won eight out of the ten seats [in Christchurch] showed very clearly this was what the residents wanted. They left the Conservatives with just one seat.

"The election was fought on the basis that the Conservatives, especially those in Bournemouth, could not be trusted to protect Christchurch in the merger creating BCP Council. The electors agreed and this remains the position of the Christchurch Independents.

"It is for this reason that the group will not accept the offer of cabinet posts in Cllr Mellor’s BCP administration and the invitation to form a coalition. Cllr Mellor was advised of this at the outset of the latest vote of no confidence process at least three weeks ago."

The conditions attached to the offer included signing a formal binding agreement to support a Conservative administration until 2023, to abstain or oppose any vote of no confidence or leadership challenge in the administration and not to oppose the annual budget, according to the CIs.

The group's statement said this was in effect tying its councillors to operate under a whip.

"This is what the Conservatives do," the statement said. "The CIs do not have a whip system. Members are free to do what they think is right for their electors.

"As we stated on Thursday, the CIs will now focus on campaigning to achieve the best for all Christchurch Borough residents and being a strong opposition both in Christchurch and across the conurbation with our Unity Alliance colleagues."

Two BCP Council seats are currently vacant following the deaths of Liberal Democrat Pete Parrish and Christchurch Independent Colin Bungey.

The CIs said they are working hard to retain Mr Bungey's Commons ward seat when the by-election is called, with Vanessa Ricketts standing for the group.

The statement added: "We will be working closely with colleagues on Christchurch Town Council, Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council, Hurn and Burton Parish Councils and lobbying the BCP administration to support and invest in our projects and priorities for Christchurch."