WITH Christmas fast approaching, households across the county are planning festive feasts and wrapping gifts for loved ones.

But many people won’t be spending the holidays in comfort and safety, rather, it will be spent on the streets for some.

Coronavirus is believed to have added to the issue of homelessness, and the double threat of dropping temperatures and the pandemic could be fatal for homeless people this winter.

For homelessness and housing charity Shelter, it is imperative that homeless people in Bournemouth are supported during the festive period.

Shelter Bournemouth hub manager, Kate Parker said: "Coronavirus has meant we can’t have our usual Christmas party for the people we support. But we’re working to identify struggling local households and deliver Christmas gift vouchers to them. These vouchers mean families will be able to afford a cooked meal, put up a tree, and give their children a gift on Christmas day. One local family told us they have had to live off tins of soup, so the vouchers will mean they can buy ingredients for a proper meal.

"We’re really grateful to Nationwide, Bank of England and B&Q for donating these gift vouchers – and you can also help us to support local people facing a tough time this Christmas. To donate, visit Shelter’s website at www.shelter.org.uk/donate."

A similar sentiment was shared by YMCA Bournemouth, who said that residents of the charity's hostel have really suffered this year with lockdown.

The charity remained open during this period while drug, alcohol and mental health services were reduced, housing vulnerable people, running support groups and offering Covid secure face to face support.

This support and more will continue during Christmas.

Head of Housing and Support, YMCA Bournemouth, Kathie Pearce said: "Due to Covid-19 restrictions, residents have had to eat on their own in their rooms. So as a one-off, we have arranged a special socially distanced Christmas meal on Christmas Day for all the residents in our sports hall.

"All residents will receive gifts, which have been donated by the public or fundraised for. Staff and volunteers will be serving residents on Christmas day and it is hoped this will bring a bit of festive cheer at the end of a very difficult year

"In addition, YMCA Bournemouth staff and volunteers will be providing a hot, full Christmas turkey takeaway dinner and small practical gift to those people sleeping rough in the town on Christmas Day.

"Christmas can be a very difficult time of year for many people and we hope by doing this we can provide a nutritious meal and show some love and care to some very vulnerable people."

St Mungo’s in Bournemouth is also offering support for homeless people this Christmas.

Outreach Coordinator for St Mungo’s in Bournemouth, Myka Wilshire said: "We continue to place people into our emergency hotels on a daily basis and over the Christmas period the hotels will be providing a festive meal for those accommodated. For those in our satellite B&B’s food parcels are delivered and supplied by local churches and partners."

Myka also stated that St Mungo's is cooking 25 Christmas takeaway lunches and the charity's outreach team will ensure those people still out on the streets will be aware of times and location to collect their meal.

She added: "The difficulty this year is the drop in centres offering a sit down meal over the Christmas period cannot open due to government restrictions. We will continue to work in partnership with BCP, Homeless Health Service, ‘We are with you’ (drug and alcohol service) and local churches to support the most vulnerable people in our society.

"Our Severe Weather Emergency Provision will be an extension of the current offer into hotels. Hopefully, this will enable us to do full homeless applications with those people who are more difficult to engage with."