As a volunteer for the NHS I was lucky enough to be able to receive a Covid vaccine at the BIC this week.

I want to express my gratitude for all those working there.

The process was well run and calm and every single person working there was cheerful and welcoming, you could feel the smiles behind the masks.

The vaccine itself was quick and painless and I walked away feeling quite emotional with both my elderly parents having received their first one we are looking forward to seeing each other for a cuppa.

They live far away so I've only seen them once in their gardens since February last year.

As a support worker of refugees I will also be able to give the support needed that means some very vulnerable people with no family or friends and are so isolated.

I am only 45 so I am lucky to have received it so early on and encourage everyone to receive it.

To all the NHS staff and volunteers who are still smiling as they work, we are so very lucky to have you.

A simple thank you will never be enough.

Victoria Sim
